Stephen Paul’s Weblog

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Archive for the ‘work’ Category


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The Countries I’ve visited:And the ones I want to visit…Visited Countries

Visited Countries

Written by atraveschile

October 1, 2008 at 4:06 am

Posted in vacation, work

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The first hour of my job

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It’s 7am. I just opened the department, opening the doors with bright red “Radiation Area” signs to find a dark room with 4 multi-million dollar cameras silently at idle. First things first, get the radioactive flood source and start Quality Control for the cameras. While thats going I get the ammo cans full of the days radioactive tracers, 4 cans in all totaling 25 unit doses. Each dose syringe is encased in a 3lb lead ‘pig’, the size and shape of a Maglight flashlight. While posting the days schedule of patients on the wall, a coworker arrives to begin their shift. The receptionist also comes to the imaging room to drop off the first patient of the day: a Myocardial Perfusion study on an elderly woman. The chart reads something like Egyptian heiroglyphics:

“42 YO woman C/O CP, SOB. H/O CAD, CHF, DM. S/P CABG. Follow up study.”

(42 year old woman complaining of chest pain, shortness of breath. history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, diabetes mellitus. status post coronary artery bypass graft. follow up study.)

Written by atraveschile

September 18, 2008 at 3:01 am

Posted in society, work

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